Apartments, Villas and Townships

We provide support for solar projects in the community by offering viable means to curb possible extra costs that residents of villas, apartments and townships, may have to pay, under the various green energy achievement programs. We believe that internationally registered CDM projects will soon be the order of the day. These projects aims to retrofit multiple highly priced homes with solar powered heaters, insulated ceilings and energy efficient lighting, saving the owner’s money and reducing carbon.

The major power requirement in a Township or Apartment comes under the common amenities like Luminaries including Solar Street Lights in Kerala , Water/Sewage Pumps, Lifts and Recreation facilities. These requirements can be addressed by a proper designed product that combines the Grid Interactive and Grid Tie Systems in the most optimistic way. The resultant savings on the huge electricity bills and fuel charges for the DG set proves this as an economically viable proposition